John Simpson - Autism Training and Consultancy
John Simpson - Autism Training and Consultancy

Who can I support?

I have provided bespoke personal perspective training packages for the following groups


  • Groups of autistic children, adolescents and adults 


  • Teachers, SEND, welfare, administrative and other staff across schools, colleges and universities at special, comprehensive and grammar level.


  • Social Care Workers, Nurses and other Primary Care Staff


  • Social Workers, Employment Supporters and other local authority staff


  • Parental Support Groups


  • Police, Solicitors and other staff across the Criminal Justice System


  • Staff within mental health services, including psychiatrists and psychologists



What support can I offer?

In delivering presentations I reflect not only on my own difficulties as a person on the Autism Spectrum, but also apply my knowledge and understanding of the lives of others with an Autism Spectrum Condition.  I have developed a unique blend of understanding of both the difficulties of working as a professional in a variety of services and the experience of using these services as an autistic person.  I am able to offer wide ranging support across a variety of themes which touch the lives of everyone with a friend, relative, pupil or patient on the spectrum. My training can include:


  • Introduction to autism, including basic theory
  • My journey through life as a person with Asperger’s Syndrome and the difficulties I had accepting my diagnosis
  • My journey through the education system as a child, adolescent and adult
  • How I learned to understand my condition
  • How to communicate effectively
  • Managing social interaction 
  • Sensory differences
  • Autism and Mental Health
  • The effect of stress, anxiety and frustration on autistic people and those supporting us, and how best to reduce and/or manage stressful situations.
  • Explanations of the massive inconsistencies in the abilities of individuals depending on the task they are being asked to perform.
  • Difference in sources of motivation for those who are and are not autistic, and how I have made the most out of my autistic interests.
  • Returning to education and the success I’ve had at college and university
  • Approaches teachers can take to promote learning in an autism-friendly way
  • Successfully dealing with transitions, one of the main pressure points within the education system
  • Creating motivating and predictable structures to enhance opportunity
  • Promoting good family relationships, and how I found friends from my peer group and now maintain a large friendship group in an autism-friendly way
  • Sexuality and Relationships


All of the advice I offer is of a practical nature. I want people who attend my presentations to feel they can immediately put into practice strategies to improve the lives of the people they support or live with. I am able to describe complex themes and behaviours in a way that makes them accessible to all. This is not an exhaustive list of what I offer, but these are some of the themes that staff and autistic individuals find most useful from my presentations: As you will see from the testimonials of my many satisfied clients, what really marks me out as different is the style and substance of the presentations I deliver. They are fun, engagaing, thought-provoking and at times challenging. I believe it is vital to sensitively tackle some of the most difficult problems faced by autistic people, and I want people to think deeply about their own behaviours and how they are able to modify them. I am supportive, not critical  I present using stories of my own experiences and those I have worked with and supported to try and help people understand life from a more “autistic” point of view. I can demonstrate to participants some of the techniques and ideas that I have used so that the support we provide others and ourselves is most effective.


I ensure all of my presentations reflect the fact that within any group being trained there is a mix of experience, ability and understanding of those present. I always liaise with my clients before I present so that their participants get the maximum benefit possible from the input I provide. Even within each of the fields mentioned above, there are a variety of different challenges depending on the personalities of the individuals we work with. As you will see from my testimonials, I have presented across many vastly different types of services and been successful in empowering people in all of them. If you do not belong to any of these groups but still feel you could benefit from the training and support I offer, please feel free to contact me

Where to find us:

Inspirational Autism Training



Phone: 07415 607 442

+44 7415 607 442

Business hours

You are welcome to contact me at any time you like, but please be aware that I do not employ staff.  Whilst I will endeavour to answer your email promptly, please do not be offended if I don't get back to you straight away.

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